605--Things To Do AND Organizations To Join
New Members always welcome. Call contact person for meeting dates/times/location.
There are three local 4-H clubs: Clover Buds (ages 5-7), Prairie Rustlers (ages 8-18), and Willing Workers (ages 8-18).
Contact the 4-H Extension Office; Jackie Rau; 439-3331 for more information. 4-H is using Head-Heart-Hands-Health for development of youth.
Al-Anon; 439-3418; Anonymous Support group for families with addictions
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA); 439-3418; Anonymous group supporting recovering addicts.
American Legion Post #78; Lee Kindelspire; 439-3333; Veterans supporting our community patriotically. New members welcome.
American Legion Post #78 holds an annual Turkey Shoot; Fund raising event for local American Legion Organization. Held in November.
City Park at the Lake - Fishing Dock, Play area, Camping Facilities
City Park at the Swimming Pool - Playground area, Picnic shelter, Swimming Pool
Country Club & Golf Course; Brady Weiszhaar; 605-380-3378; Golf memberships Family $150.00, Single $100.00, HS Student & under $25. 00. 9-Hole golf course. Club house may be rented for special events (rental fee $100.00)
Emergency Medical Techs; Jackie Rau; 605-439-3246; Volunteer Ambulance service/medical care provided to our community. Volunteers needed. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Leola School Fitness Center; 605-439-3528; Stay fit! Stop at the school for gym membership.
Fire Department - Volunteers always needed for this valuable protection of our community
Firemen Fun Night - Fund raising event for Volunteer Fire Dept. Held in late winter. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Leola Alumni Association; Keenan Stoecker; 605-439-3564; Coordinates alumni activities and all-school reunions.
Leola Area Right to Life; Linda Schauer; 605-439-3630; Supporting Right to Life activities
Leola Area Theater; Becky Wolff; 605-439-3175; Annual theater production and gives scholarships to high school seniors. Participants wanted.
Leola Athletic Association - Summer Baseball/Tball; John Bender; 605-228-0797; Youth Baseball teams play during the summer with all ages of boys and girls; Funds the summer sports programs for kids.
Leola Booster Club; Holly Mueller; 605-941-2718; Supports different projects for the school through fundraising.
Leola Development Corp/LCAC; Denise Brandner; 605-439-3231; Making Leola a better place to live by promoting homes, business and attractions/events; The LDC also hosts the biennial Rhubarb Festival. Follow their facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2545712422128931.
North Central Heritage Museum; Dean Schock; 605-439-3454; Maintains the Museum with fund raising projects.
Parent Teachers Organization; Jackie Wurtz; 605-439-3683; Cooperation between parents/teachers, School Carnival, Scholarships, Awards Banquet, Senior Sponsors
Pete's Trains; Pete Hanke; 605-439-3706; Extensive display of model trains. Open for special events; call for special appointment.
Senior Citizens Club; Bernie Artz; 605-439-3230; Hosting lunch every Tuesday and Thursday for senior citizens.
Sportsman's Club; Stanton Spitzer; 605-439-3315; owns/operates outdoor shooting range. Sponsors pheasant season opener breakfast. Sponsors youth shooting sports competition. Annual picnic for members/families.
4-H Shooting Sports Club; Mike Kallas; 605-439-3223; Teaching our youth firearm safety and shooting competition. Summer shotgun/Fall BB gun.
Swimming Pool; 605-439-3670; Open June-August, swimming lessons, available for rent for birthday parties, etc. Follow their facebook page for upcoming events: https://www.facebook.com/CityofLeolaPool
Trail Riders Saddle Club
New Members always welcome. Call contact person for meeting dates/times/location.
There are three local 4-H clubs: Clover Buds (ages 5-7), Prairie Rustlers (ages 8-18), and Willing Workers (ages 8-18).
Contact the 4-H Extension Office; Jackie Rau; 439-3331 for more information. 4-H is using Head-Heart-Hands-Health for development of youth.
Al-Anon; 439-3418; Anonymous Support group for families with addictions
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA); 439-3418; Anonymous group supporting recovering addicts.
American Legion Post #78; Lee Kindelspire; 439-3333; Veterans supporting our community patriotically. New members welcome.
American Legion Post #78 holds an annual Turkey Shoot; Fund raising event for local American Legion Organization. Held in November.
City Park at the Lake - Fishing Dock, Play area, Camping Facilities
City Park at the Swimming Pool - Playground area, Picnic shelter, Swimming Pool
Country Club & Golf Course; Brady Weiszhaar; 605-380-3378; Golf memberships Family $150.00, Single $100.00, HS Student & under $25. 00. 9-Hole golf course. Club house may be rented for special events (rental fee $100.00)
Emergency Medical Techs; Jackie Rau; 605-439-3246; Volunteer Ambulance service/medical care provided to our community. Volunteers needed. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Leola School Fitness Center; 605-439-3528; Stay fit! Stop at the school for gym membership.
Fire Department - Volunteers always needed for this valuable protection of our community
Firemen Fun Night - Fund raising event for Volunteer Fire Dept. Held in late winter. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Leola Alumni Association; Keenan Stoecker; 605-439-3564; Coordinates alumni activities and all-school reunions.
Leola Area Right to Life; Linda Schauer; 605-439-3630; Supporting Right to Life activities
Leola Area Theater; Becky Wolff; 605-439-3175; Annual theater production and gives scholarships to high school seniors. Participants wanted.
Leola Athletic Association - Summer Baseball/Tball; John Bender; 605-228-0797; Youth Baseball teams play during the summer with all ages of boys and girls; Funds the summer sports programs for kids.
Leola Booster Club; Holly Mueller; 605-941-2718; Supports different projects for the school through fundraising.
Leola Development Corp/LCAC; Denise Brandner; 605-439-3231; Making Leola a better place to live by promoting homes, business and attractions/events; The LDC also hosts the biennial Rhubarb Festival. Follow their facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2545712422128931.
North Central Heritage Museum; Dean Schock; 605-439-3454; Maintains the Museum with fund raising projects.
Parent Teachers Organization; Jackie Wurtz; 605-439-3683; Cooperation between parents/teachers, School Carnival, Scholarships, Awards Banquet, Senior Sponsors
Pete's Trains; Pete Hanke; 605-439-3706; Extensive display of model trains. Open for special events; call for special appointment.
Senior Citizens Club; Bernie Artz; 605-439-3230; Hosting lunch every Tuesday and Thursday for senior citizens.
Sportsman's Club; Stanton Spitzer; 605-439-3315; owns/operates outdoor shooting range. Sponsors pheasant season opener breakfast. Sponsors youth shooting sports competition. Annual picnic for members/families.
4-H Shooting Sports Club; Mike Kallas; 605-439-3223; Teaching our youth firearm safety and shooting competition. Summer shotgun/Fall BB gun.
Swimming Pool; 605-439-3670; Open June-August, swimming lessons, available for rent for birthday parties, etc. Follow their facebook page for upcoming events: https://www.facebook.com/CityofLeolaPool
Trail Riders Saddle Club